35 photographs which make up my exhibition were taken on missions
to parts of the world which are 'suffering' from the effects
of war. War leaves indelible scars on the faces and the souls
of its protagonists, usually ordinary people like you or me.
Scientists, workmen, artists and, above all, children who
lose their innocence because of those who wish to impose on
them their own religion or their own version of 'reality',
without any thought of the consequences. It is often the case
that the image of a tormented face 'speaks' more powerfully
to the heart and eye of the photographer than an image of
action, because the tragedy in the former is more photogenic.
In more than ten years of covering wars I have learned to
use my camera as a tool for peace and I hope that when you
leave this exhibition one of these images will stay with you
to remind that war has only one face... and that face is utterly
repellent. Do what you can to prevent war, give peace a chance,
and start today, as soon as you leave this building.