Alexandros Ioannidis, Yiannis Katsaris
Olga Papakonstantopoulou,Nikos Vitsaxakis

Two hundred seventy kilometers off the Galician coast, PRESTIGE oil tanker sank caused a huge ecological destruction of the water and the coasts and consequently an economical crisis at the region. Volunteers from all over Spain, North Africa and other European countries, especially Germany, offered their help, cleaning the coasts from the oil. Four photographers, Alexandros Ioannidis, Nikos Vitsaxakis, Yiannis Katsaris and Olga Papakonstantopoulou, gratuates of the department of photography, Athens Institute of Technical Education, chronicled this struggle, with the expectation that this photographic can join the effort for the protection of the environment.
18/2 - 06/3 
Y.M.C.A Exhibition Gallery / Y.M.C.A. Square, Thessaloniki
Tel. 2310.2310.241007
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