25th February 2006
Press Conference - Presentation
18th International Festival of Photography
Photosynkyria 2006
Thessaloniki Museum of Photography
(Warehouse A', Port of Thessaloniki)

10th March 2006 / 20:00

Lecture - Presentation:
Photographer Fabrizio Ferri
Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art
(Egnatia 154, International Fair grounds, tel. 2310-240002)
February - March 2006
Photosynkyria in the city

This year's 18th organization of the International Photography Festival of Thessaloniki- Photosynkyria reaches out to the city and extends its activity beyond the boundaries of its museums and galleries. During the Festival , the building where the School of Journalism of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is located is being 'wrapped up' photographically , an art intervention in the urban landscape that attempts to engage the public and convey the spirit of the Festival. The Festival also marks its presence at the docks, in the Museum's surrounding space, where a selection of 150-200 works of photography, representative of all 29 exhibitions hosted in this year's festival, are projected in an enlarged dimension on walls of the Port's Warehouses.