22    SATURDAY21 FEBRUARY  Ways of Telling: Photography and Narrative

curated by Mr. Yiannis Stathatos

According to the French film semeiologist Christian Metz, "the transition from one to two images, corresponds to the transition from image to language". The combination of many photographs, either staged or composed into a news report, is one of the many ways that photography has invented to narrate. The international group exhibition titled : Inventions and accounts", through an impressing variety of artworks and media, is studying the variform versions of the photographic narration, proving that photography knows well to tell stories, real or fiction.

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21/2 - 21/3 
Thessaloniki Museum of Photography
Warehouse Á / Port of Thessaloniki, Tel. 2310.566716
With the support of British Council, Centre George Pompidou, Pace McGill Gallery, E.L.I.A., Camhi Gallery and Koronaiou gallery
Oppening: 21:00