16    FRIDAY 20 FEBRUARY   Young Kyun Lim (KOREA) Destiny     

Sketches of the personal history, snapshots of the daily life, fragments of thought, vivid memories convey the different cultural codes of Asia, Europe and North America. The depicted objects that are familiar have meanings, born from different cultural perspectives. A cup of tea has a particular significance in England and another in Brazil, Kenya or Korea. The overlapping meanings symbolize contemporary border crossings, at first glance a form of globalization and at closer examination a sign of deeper cultural understanding.

20/2 - 13/3 
National Bank Cultural Foundation / Vassilisis. Olgas 108
Tel. 2310.295170
With the support of "Palais fuer aktuelle Kunst /
Kunstverein Glueckstadt"
Oppening: 20:00

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