09    THURSDAY 19 FEBRUARY   Young Roma Photographers GROUP EXHIBITION (GR)

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Dionisia Athanassiadou, Anna Bogiatz, Panayiotis Charalambous,Maria Christopoulou, Koula Dimitriou, Roza Georgiou, Stella Nikolaidou
Elias Pilidis,Maria Voyiatzi, Marina Vrisaki

In 1999, following the Greek Ministry of Culture proposal, a studio was created in order to introduce and train the young gypsies in the art of photography. This studio opened a "window" between the view of the everyday reality and the gypsy's legend. At the photography studio in Aghia Varvara, all learn to use the camera, to develop and print. They record their space from their personal view: they illustrate, photograph and finally articulate their personal say and aesthetic style. S. E.

19/2 - 11/3 
Alatza Imaret / Kassandrou 91-93  Tel. 2310.278587
With the support of the Ministry of Culture, Division of Visual
Arts-Department of Photography