Photosynkyria 2000
Changes - millennium or no millennium

The Thessaloniki International Photography Festival no longer requires any introduction. Over previous years we have taken pains to remind our audience of the nature and objectives of the festival in the preface to each year's programme notes, a habit no doubt surviving from a time when the faith even of the organizers in the renewed form of the festival was less than secure. Despite all the obstacles, whose number and scale are not even suspected by those in the world of arts and photography in Greece, once again the Photosynkyria is opening its doors, keeping faith with the public who await the 12th Festival in February 2000.

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11 - 17 FEBRUARY 2000 18 FEBRUARY 2000 19 FEBRUARY 2000
"Watch Me Watch You"
At the "Pavlos Zannas"
hall of olympion
movie theatre
1. Digital Printing. Will They Last ? No!
2. Black And White Prints.
Why They Are Not Easy.
Marc Garanger,
Gilbert Garcin,
Costis Antoniadis,
Andreas Muller - Pohle,
Marlo Broekmans,
Roger Ballen,
Georges Mara D' Ejove,
Pavlos Fissakis,
Ulf Lundin,
Nick Wapplington